power brokers
- n.权力经纪人;能左右当权者的人
- power broker的复数

There is considerable disagreement amont the party 's power brokers about who should become the next leader of the party .
The average age of the 100 power brokers from 28 countries was 55 .
With several Washington power brokers .
Once Washington had only a handful of power brokers .
' The new power brokers represent a structural shift in global capital markets , 'McKinsey says in a174-page analysis out today .
surrounded by courtiers and power brokers .
The average age of the 100 power brokers from 28 countries is 55 . They have a combined 90 million Twitter followers .
The fact is that Washington faces an obstacle far more formidable than a few power brokers in Tokyo 's government offices .
McKinsey first identified these four groups as the new power brokers in a report published in July 2007 a month before the financial crisis hit .
EXAMPLE : A small number of power brokers who owned American railroads in19th century were able to determine the course of the whole nation 's economy .
They were the power brokers of medieval India because of these powers you can accumulate by doing yoga , ' says Mr. Singleton .
There is no need to spell out the ethical code for scientific research and grants management , as most of the power brokers in Chinese research were educated in industrialized countries .
' They were the power brokers of medieval India because of these powers you can accumulate by doing yoga , ' says Mr. Singleton .
That site , called Product Hunt , has captured the attention , and as of today , the investment dollars , of Silicon Valley 's most influential power brokers .
And despite promises made , after the dance in the cold light of day after the pole shift , matters will be so different from what these power brokers anticipated .
Three years later he became foreign minister , making him one of the main power brokers in what was then a sleepy , underachieving emirate failing to invest its oil revenues for the future .
North Korea is preparing its ceremonial farewell Wednesday to late leader Kim Jong Il , as the world watches for clues to future power brokers in the secretive , nuclear-armed nation .
As we prepare for Sunday 's third season premiere , let 's consider the rival claimants , power brokers , and schemers in the show based on George R.R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire book series .
The plan may have succeeded were it not for a Marine Corps Major General named Smedley Butler , who blew the whistle on the plot after being approached by the influential power brokers who wanted him to lead the uprising .
in November , Mr. Ratner was facing serious allegations about sexual harassment and misconduct and it was evident that these two power brokers had been living in a very different world - almost a parallel universe , really - with very different concerns , rules and ethics than many of us .